Akbarkhon Amirkhonov
8 posts

Fixing Sysprep Errors While Building Windows Server Images

When building Windows Server 2019 and 2022 images in Azure, you might encounter Sysprep errors that prevent the process from completing successfully. These errors usually arise during the image generalization phase, and they can be tricky to resolve, as seen in the following error messages:

Resolving Docker Mount Permission Errors with Colima

If you’ve encountered a frustrating error while working with Colima on MacOS, you’re not alone. The error message:

Securely Accessing Azure Services with Private Endpoint, Private Link, and Service Endpoints

Azure Private Endpoint, Private Link, and Service Endpoints are all features that allow customers to securely access Azure services over a private endpoint. These features provide a secure and private connection to Azure services that do not require public internet access.

Differences Between App Registrations, Enterprise Applications, and Service Principals in Azure AD

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service provided by Microsoft. Within Azure AD, there are three main types of entities that can be used to represent applications: App Registrations, Enterprise Applications, and Service Principals.

Short description of Kubernetes services

Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform for managing containerized applications. One of the key features of Kubernetes is its ability to create and manage services, which are used to expose applications running in pods to the network.

Generate N files with N size

This will create 100 files each containing 1MB of random data:

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